Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Silk rayon was used as the medium for a set of stamps issued September 30, 1969 depicting prayer banners.

The “thankas “ or “banners” are paintings of sacred and ceremonial subject, which are hung in temples,  private chapels or carefully rolled up to be carried over the shoulder when travelling, for the divinity lodged in the painting saves the bearer from the perils of his journey.

Buddhism cannot be imagined without the representation of its religious ideals.  To the Bhutanese art is more than aesthetics.  For them art does not merely generate aesthetic pleasure.  It personifies the scriptures and it makes the goal of meditation a visual attainment.

Perforated Souvenir Sheet containing three stamps of:

Chana Dorje (Vajrapani) 75ch
He is a divine Bodhisattva emanating for the Dhyani Buddha Aksobhya.  He holds in his right a vajra hand and his left hand is in karana mudra,

Three great teachers 5nu
            In Mahayana scriptures the noblest Bodhisattvas, out of compassion, refuse Nirvana, so that they might benefit afficted humanity.

Chenresik ( left side ) ,  Jampeyang ( right side ),  and Tashithagye ( center ) 6nu
 Chenresik is the supreme embodiment of compassion.  He assumes innumerable forms.  It is believed to be perpetually incarnated in each successive Dalai Lama of Tibet.

Jampeyang painted in red is the symbol of saving Knowledge.

Tashi-thagye in the presence of the Eight Auspicious Signs spell sanctity and happiness.

SOURCE: foxleylanestudio.com

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